Raffi Feghali

Halim Al-Hakawati

07 mrt

aanvang om 20:15


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Over deze voorstelling

Halim is the sole owner of Kitab Al-Hikayat - The Book of Stories. Legend has it that this book contains every story that has ever existed and that will ever exist in the world. Halim tells us the stories from it while we see them come to life.

BEHOLD! Halim, the Hakawati – a storyteller for the ages! SILENCE! Never mind you have never heard of him… HE is indeed the most famous Hakawati in the world… You’re just going to have to trust him on this! SADNESS! Halim pities you should you miss this opportunity to witness his telling of tales from the legendary Kitab Al-Hikayat - The Book of Stories! 

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About Raffi Feghali 

Raffi Feghali is a theater maker, peacebuilding consultant, and trainer working mostly in Europe, USA, and the Middle East while being based between Amsterdam and Beirut. As a theater maker, he draws on the meeting point of improvisational theater(improv) and storytelling (especially that rooted in the “hakawati” tradition) in order to inspire his performing, writing, directing/devising, radio dramas, sound design, and music making.

performed by: Raffi Feghali | directed by: Stephen Kearin | poster design by: Ely R Noujaim 

* Deze productie valt onder de gastprogrammering van de Lindenberg.

LET OP: de kaartverkoop voor deze voorstelling loopt extern via www.meneerotis.nl

Meneer Otis

Deze voorstelling wordt geprogrammeerd door Meneer Otis. Meneer Otis presenteert een doorlopend programma van storytelling, klein toneel en cabaret op vrijdagen in de Lindenberg. Kleinschalige voorstellingen waarin het vertellen van prikkende, indrukwekkende persoonlijke verhalen centraal staat, in het Nederlands en Engels. Bekijk het gehele programma.

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Normaal € 0,00

Raffi Feghali - Halim Al-Hakawati
€ 0,-