Kippenhok Musicals

Ride the Cyclone

22 jun.

aanvang om 19:30


Theater / Language no problem

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Over deze voorstelling

In this whirlwind musical, six teens battle to receive a second chance: the chance to be brought back to life. After a horrible rollercoaster accident, these members of a school choir have ended up in limbo with a mechanical fortune teller, where they are encouraged to show each other (and the audience) their deepest desires.

A show full of humour and different music styles, performed by a small and tightly-knit cast. Directed by Kim van Zomeren.

LET OP: deze show is Engelstalig. Wel zal er ter ondersteuning Nederlands materiaal beschikbaar zijn.

* Deze productie valt onder de gastprogrammering van de Lindenberg.

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Normaal € 18,00

Kippenhok Musicals - Ride the Cyclone
Vanaf € 18,-